Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

Dear Mr. Smith,
I am writing in response to an advertisement I saw for a job at your summer camp in my school magazine. I would also like to know how much
do you pay?the job pays.
Firstly, it says in the advertisement that the work would be done in Cercedilla, a village in Madrid, throughout July.
Moreover, y

In the Bible, people were persistent in doingpersistently did wrong. “TheThe story of Noah and his Ark, recounted in the Christian Bible in Genesis 6–9”6–9 (Goh), talks aboutexplains how God grantinggranted Noah and his family the ability to survive through thethe flood. Humans have been seen to roam the earthEarth for many years. However, evil things have always c.....

The following paper will deconstruct the beliefs of Catholics and explain how catholicCatholic beliefs correlate with Noah’s arkArk. This will lead to the development of the reason why God brought about the flood on Earth. This argument will be shown in three ways, including Catholic beliefs, good and evil, an.....

The main teachings of the Catholic church include God’s existence, the immortality of the soul of each human being, and being accountable at death for our actions throughout life. If our life consists of doing good, we will be rewarded by going to heaven. However, if people decide to do bad, they wi.....

The Representation of Noah’s Ark
Catholics believe that humans have the ability to
either choose to do either good or evil. Consequently, humans seem to do wrong, but with the help of God, they can choose to do good. Before the flood destroyed the world, there had been a rampantrampage of human wickednes.....

Bonjour jeune padawan,
çaÇa y est, c'est l'heure du recrutement sur le serveur ! Avant toute chose, merci pour votreta contribution, le serveur à dépassera dépassé les 100 membres, et je vous ent'en remercie.
, le serveur manque d'animationd'animations, nous espérant qu'avec ce recrutement, nous pourronspourrions dénicher une pers.....

Why is it that we perceive the same things differently at different times differently, or do different people perceive the same thing differently sodifferently? So first the perception process. theThe first stage is sensation observation so- you touch, hear, smell, or taste things and the sense organs transferredtransfer this external stimu.....

Bonsoir Jenny,
, tu t'en doutedoutes, j'ai eurecu une copie du message que tu as envoyé à mon père ce soir et je t'avoue que j'ai pas lesje n'ai plus de mots... jeJe suis déçu et outré par tes propos. Et dieux c'est quepourtant, Dieu sait à quel point je t'apprécie jenny combienJenny. Combien de fois j'ai pu le dire à mon père et combien de foi.....

The 4 part miniseries; BLOOD SISTERS being the first Netflix Original series on Nigerian soil, joins the host of films that fit into the “yes, but…” narrative. The film narrates the story of Kemi (well-played by Nancy Isime) and Sarah (Dima Okojie). Who, who, while preparing for the latter's grand weddin.....

that worksThat will work in a certain situationsituations, but right now you willneed to do something thatyou usually you don't do so that all of this secondthese big face meaningfancy meanings about creation and the evaluation isare more about using your existing knowledge so that the first stage fallsstate becomes about stimulation that is converted into electric singers ansign.....

In my pursuit of new creative endeavors, I am excited to find the Office Manager opportunity with Ashland University. As a progressive professional with business administration experience, I believe that I can bring valuable contributions to your team.

Identifying innovative approaches and

Hi team,

I hope you’re doing well!

Just to let you know, we held an internal meeting with Claudio and Felipe to discuss the new client adjustments. We’re happy to reflect those changes and would like to propose a new set of requirements to make them effective.

We will have to work on the design f

Bonjour, l'équipe Green-gotGreen-Got, j'espère que vous allez bien. :)
Comme vous le savez
surementsûrement déjà, cela fait quelque semainequelques semaines que j'ai la chance de pouvoir profiter des services de votre néo-banquenéobanque.
Dans la vie
, il arrive parfois des drames et des malheure c'estmalheurs, ce qui fut d'ailleurs mon cas, en 2015, lor.....

I have never met ana more interesting person until I meetthan Michelle. He is so handsome, with a body like a supermodel;. His veins are perfectly drawn in his hands, and his muscles are carved in his shirt like a statue of a greekGreek god. He is so tall, sothat it makes you feel thatlike you are the shortest person alive . T.....

Born Malcom Michaels Jr., Marsha P. Johnson had a difficult upbringing. Between her being raised Christian and the cruel kids at school, she often felt she had to hide who she really was. She was born on August 24, 1945, in Elizabeth, NJ. Her father was a worker on the General Motors assembly line, and .....

Did you ever askedwonder what is the consequence ,consequences would be if all people haveevery person has the right to own guns ? There will be justextremely bad consequence .Andconsequences, and here is why: First , the crime rate is going to raiseincrease to the highest levels ,level because you gave people the tool necessary to do socommit a crime. Second, not all of peopl.....

I'm in my twenties now, but I have kept a diary on and off since I was fourteen. What I like best(most)best about a diary is that, unlike a blog, nobody but youI will ever read it. That means youI can be completely honest in it! The other day, I found one of my diaries from my teenaged(teenage)teenage years whilewhen I cleaned out the a.....

Bonjour Monsieur, je suis
Je vais
très bien, merci . Pour ma première semaine de stage , mon encadrant aencadreur m'a présenté le projet et m'a donné tous les documents nécessaires, pour prendreavoir une idée générale sur les ouvrages d'arts d'art qui vont soumettreêtre soumis au recensement . Après, j'ai fait le repérage de ces ouvrages dans .....

...youYou believe godGod gives life and takes it when he sees fit.but But there comes a time when a man cantcan't go on.hes He's exhausted and cantcan't wait for godGod to act.so So he decides to act himself.there There, thats whatsthat's what's called " suicide". youYou see, the word "suicide"
isntisn't only made for dictionaries.it It has to have a p.....

Bonsoir, !
J’espère que vous allez me donner une bonne raison
àpour la restriction de mon compte. j’aiJ’ai ouvert un litige pour escroqueriez queescroquerie, pour lequel j’ai perdu. j’aiJe ressens déjà de la haine à ce sujet, car cese faire escroquer par un enfant et que PayPal accepte cela me dérange mais bon passonsPassons, mais v.....

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