On the 14th of March 2025, at approximately 0800 hrs, the W.R.S.G. received information regarding occupanciesoccupants of RM #2201 reporting missing moneymoney missing from their room. The guest stated that the disclosed amount of 1300 USD to 1500 USD that was in an envelope within a backpack iswas now missing during the approximated turn downturn-down period. While investigating the matter, it was revealed that on the 13th of March 2025, security supervisor Erick had submitted a report regarding a disclosure of cash observed on the bed by a housekeeping attendant within RM #2201 and placed within the safe inside the room, the. The guest was escorted to the room, where the safe maker was used to open the safe, the. The cash was retrieved and checked by the guest, and an apology was issued toward the guest for the inconvenience caused.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.