I coordinate with others and BA/Tester to understand theany issues andor problems. I accept the responsibility, if any there is any negative impact due to my work.
I'm always available for any critical and show stopper issue and stay late to resolve
theany issues. I plan PTO ahead of time the PTOs. I keep informed the manager well-informed about plans and unacceptedunexpected situations.
I understand the
customers/bankscustomers'/banks' requirements and I make sure to fully understand custom requirements, if any. I give the top priority to all our Customersof our customers' projects and complete and Testtest the projects before the deadlines, ifas possible.
initiate things and take initiative to actbe proactive on things, and to discuss and keep up to date about theon any issues and the resolution toresolutions with the Managermanager and the team members.
I keep an open communication and discuss
theany issues, problems and misunderstanding, if anyor misunderstandings. I convey my ideas and listen to and understand otherothers' opinions and suggestions in a professional manner.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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