A time in my life where I wish I showedhad shown grit, was in middle school. I was in 6th grade, and there was this kid named Kevin who found pleasure in picking on me. One day, we were in the lunch line when all of a sudden I feel a basketball hit the back of my head, and I immedialtyimmediately turn around and see him and his friends laughing at me. butHowever, I decided to ignore it and went about my business. As I was continuing on in the line, I cancould hear him and his friends yelling inappropriate things at me, but the last straw was when he decided to push me really hard twice, and, after all he had done before, enough was enough. I immedialtyimmediately stopped and balled my fist ready to arrackattack, but then I realized this is what he wanted.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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