Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is Rejo. I have been allotted a seat for the MEM course, 2021 in Bangalore. I am currently residing in Sharjah, U.A.E. Due to the current pandemic situation, I will find it difficult to come to Bangalore before 05/June/20215 June 2021 to submit the necessary documents. I have talked to Dr .....

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is Dr Rejo Iype Mathews. I have been allotted a seat for the MEM course, 2021 in Bangalore. I am currently residing in Sharjah, U.A.E. Due to the current pandemic situation, I find it difficult to come to Bangalore before 05/June/20215 June 2021 to submit the necessary documents. I have ta.....

To: Rumabel Mateo (r.mateo@sd.com), Lynden Pagurut (l.pagurut@sd.com), [180 more]
From: Olivia Fu, Human Resources Manager, Sprinklez Donutz, Inc.
Date: 10 March 2020, 9:18 AM
Subject: Please read – IWB49 Virus update
Hello all,
As you may know, the Disease Control Administration (DCA) is closely m

Dear Nicolás,

Good morning
., I am writing you because after going over your grades, I found out that you are not working on the assignments given in the Languages Platform. It seems like you are not keeping track of your activities, as you haven't done most of the them.

I want to remind you of th

One of the recordings begins with Alton Sterling being assaulted and thrown to the ground, according to a witness. Mr. Sterling was selling CDs outside the gas station, and the owner suspected he was loitering, so. So the police were called. After that, there was a reported altercation in which policeme.....


This is Nora Ahmad and my ID number is 19179202.

I am holding a conditional offer in the MSc Physics and Engineering in
medicine programMedicine Program and I was really hoping and looking forward to starting this academic year, but due to the current situation of COVID-19 Pandemicpandemic, the Saudi ministryMinistry of .....

Je me présente Laurent Landry, je travaille pour l'association CDSW à Béziers.
Je voulais faire un point sur votre inscription chez CDSW
, car votre compte n'a pas été confirmerconfirmé depuis le 04/04/2021 (date d'ouverture du compte).
Avez-vous reçu vos identifiants de connexion
ces? Ces derniers sontont été envoy.....

Venerdi 17/06
Mi ricordo di questo giorno come se fosse ieri.
Il maggiordomo Cristian andò a prendere Melissa (mia
sorella)dallasorella) da scuola ma lei non ci fu,di solito sec'era. Se lei andava da qualche parte, di solito informava sempre tutti, ma questaquella volta non lha fatto,illo fece. Il maggiordomo la cercò a scuola e nei suoi negozi pr.....

Heute fragen wir alle. Warum gibt es Idole? Und da ist auch die Frage. Warum sind Idole wichtig?

Wenn wir diese Fragen beantworten wollen, müssen wir uns die Person ansehen. Niemand ist perfekt. Das ist die Natur des Menschen. Jeder hat Ideen und will etwas. Und dann sehen wir Prominente, die es ha

In the ending scene of “The False Gems”, Maupassant conveys a deeper meaning about the true adheresadherent's consequences associated with money, without explicitly stating his opinion. At the beginning of the story, Monsieur Lantin is content with his life, not because of the riches he relishes, but becau.....

I am writing a second note and felt that the words were not sufficient to express my gratitude for the way you have treated and guided Mom and Brothermy brother during the unpredictable coronavirus pandemic times.
I have interacted more with you from start to finish for both of their cases, one after the o

Now a dayNowadays, it is quite common talkto talk about beenbeing healthy, and havehaving a better life, with more qualities. When we talk about loosinglosing weight, there are a lot ways, medicines and new techniques to help people thatwho are having problemproblems with this situation. These two articles express different sides of how .....

In life, it is necessary to find balance as it can increase one's mental health. For some, it means having a hobby to escape from the current world. For others, it's connecting with the energy beyond this material environment. The term spirituality varies from one individual to another,; it could mea.....

L'inquinamento ambientale è un problema globale. Perché colpisceColpisce diversi tipi di vita, provocaha molte conseguenze negative per la salute e il benessere dell'uomo e ha effetti negativi sull'ambiente e sulla vita degli organismi in generale, poiché tutti gli esseri viventi, piccoli e grandi, dipendono dall'acqua .....

After Connell had admitted to Marianne that he lovesloved her, he iswas more unsure about his admission. We got to knowlearned that LorainneLorianne knows about their relationship, and she is satisfied with the relationship. At school, Connell got very upset because all his friends were asking him about Marianne. He refused to t.....

J'espère que cet e-mail vous trouvera bien.

Je tiens à vous remercier d'avoir pris le temps de lire mon
emaile-mail, je m'appelle SAFIA KNIOUI. Je suis actuellement étudiante en deuxième année , cycle d'ingénieur en génie réseaux et télécommunications à l'ENSA Marrakech. Je vous écris pour vous.....

I have wanted to express my gratitude for taking time out of your busy schedule on Friday, May 28, 2021, to speak with me this morning about the available web developer employment. The extensive explanation of PFS Group's company culture, mission, and internal activities has only piqued my interest .....

" لا يموت الذيبالذئب ولا تفنى الغنم"

مثل قيل في الزمن القديم لمن
اراد ان يبقىأراد أن يبقي على الذائب حيًا وان لاالذئب حيًّا وألّا تنضب أغنامه
وهذا المثل يوصف حالة كثير من
نوابنوّاب مجلس النواب الحاليالنوّاب الحاليّ
فكثير منهم
يغطي راسهيغطّي رأسه مثل النعامة ويبقي باقي الجسم ظاهر للاعيانظاهرًا للعيان كظهور الفزاعةالفزّاعة "دمية توضع في البساتين لإخافة الطيور"

في حين
انأنّ كثير .....

عن التطبيق

عقار ميستالي مول مشروع
إلكتروني يقدمالكترونيّ يقدّم المال والوقت والجهد في (بيع ، شراء ، تأجير) العقارات بتمثالمثل الشقق ، الشاليهات ، الفيلات ، العمارات ، المزارعوالمزارع.
صممصمّم تطبيق أيأيّ عقار مقابل العقار الأمثل بالعقار الأمثل للتداول العقاري حيثالعقاريّ بحيث يمكنك الاستخدام والتواصل مع أصحاب الشركات العقارية ،العقاريّة، ويفتح لمشرقة أمام المهتمين أمام المهتمينالمهتمّين بالعق.....

لِمَ الغرفة موحِشة هَكَذاهٰكَذا بِالرُّغمِ مِن لَوِنهالَونِها الجذَّاب؟ بَدأتُ أَتَحَقَّقُ مِن أَرْكَانِ الغرفة أَثَاث عَادِي مكتب صَغير وسَرِير صَغِير وهُنَاكَ كتب غَرِيْبَة لَم أَسْتَطِع فِهمَفَهمَ لغتها كَأَنَّهَا أَتَتْ مِن عَالَمٍ آخَر ومَا زِلْتُ حَائِرةً مِن أَمْرِي مَاذَا يَتَوَجـَّبُ عَليعَليّ أَنْ أَفْعَلَ الآن.....

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