
Yeah, before Connectconnecting. No, if you can connect directly, fly away. Worker, yeah, because you can damage. Is the fish. If you connect right away, it's not as possible the fish first need to stay away for a little while, and after you can connect if you take care well the fridge, but maybe Ricardo didn't know or maybe followfollowed something, but. But I think so in that moment, as Ricardo told me, ishe was very energyenergetic and feelfelt very bad, I'm: "I was very angry." And say, okay, maybe I'm bad. I am doing bad things, or maybe Nonot, but I'm sure you know at the moment, no. "No," I said, "Ricardo, you you know to you, tell me wherever you like. You do whatever you like. This is not nice. It's no one is an adult thinking about for a good neighborhood. I pay my rent every month. I don't take any money forfrom anybody. I can do it. Can't help in some in some way, in the labor, for sure, I do it, and I have a human rights." And onin the moment, I feelfelt like I lost everything. And this is not nice, and this isso is this the reason, why can wewe can't feel today? Because it's enough for me onin the moment,. I not every dog cannot tell me. Can Helphelp me? Why? If the manager onin the moment can help only as one. I have human rights like everybody else. I don't have anybody bad record in this victim or anybody or in any place in that Toronto or in Canada,. I'm a good person. I don't know what is happening if I need to do extra things for spin or look nice for candle. I am waiting all the time. for ifIf you saw my apartment, it'sthere are many things in my environment,.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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