hankThank you for getting back to me so quickly, I appreciate it. iI am not close to getting any other offers at this time as. Catalent is number one on my list due to the fact that the QA Specialist-OTF position is a position iI believe iI will excel in. After speaking with the hiring team last week, I think that there is no better time to join the team than this. time because ofIf given the opportunity the current changes going on within your Princeton, NJ site, which willwill give me the opportunitychance to see these changes and fully transit into the QA Specialist-OTF if given the opportunity.
Devon asked me during my interview how soon was
iI willing to start if hired and iI told him JanJanuary because iI know these processes take time even after getting an offer.
Thanks again for reaching out and looking forward to a positive response after your meeting with the hiring team.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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