I had a great experience learning a few terms and procedures during my observation.while shadowing Mrs. Rayna, is thea dental hygienist that I was shadowing. She. First, she would have her patients use a mouthwash, starting. Then she started with scaling the bottom teeth on the exterior and then the anterior. Follow byShe proceeded to clean the right side of the mouth, carefully going between each tooth, after rinsing their mouthand afterward asking the patient to rinse with water to remove any stains. Next, she flossesflossed the patient's teeth individually with the string floss. Using a tool like a ring to hold the polish in place, Mrs. Rayna used a small electric toothbrush to rub the polish on each tooth and then rinserinsed the patient's mouth with water. After that, Dr. Lee stepsstepped in to double-check. He starts lookingon the patient. He looked at the patient's x-rays, checks theirexamined the teeth, has them pull out theirand looked under the tongue for any cancer tissue (white stuff underneath the tongue) containing theircontained in the gums, jaw, and lymphatic nodes. Dr. Lee told me sometimes the cause of teeth having a dent is forcethe forced use of flossing or using a toothpick between the teeth. Sugary drinks dissolve into acids that stay on your gums. If not removed, it will damage your gums. The bones that support your teeth will diminish in size and cause tooth loss in the longerlong run. Dr. Lee gave me some advice on patient relationships. He told me to get to know them, make them feel comfortable by having a conversation, askand ask them questions like, what"What school did you attend?" or "What do you do for a living?" You may have some stuffthings in common with them,. Be Nicenice to them.

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