imI’m really looking at school with a different point of view and new taticstactics. toTo complete the semester, for exexample, if a professor is eachingteaching a subject and i dontI don’t quite get it, iI can look up a lecture on youtubeYouTube from someone who iI can understand better and intrestinterests me i rceived. I received that from my mentor. shesShe’s great. iI now have a life coach who is my pastor. iI will also utilize the resources that colmbus techColumbus Tech provides, for ex:example, department labs for tutoring , and iI will also will apply the 5 things you shoulshould do to be a good college student know yorselfand to make yourself understand in yourif you’re an early bird or nigha night owl to manuvermaneuver your schedule to fit your lie stle alsolifestyle. Also, plan ahead and stick to a schedule tipso you know it like the back of our hand. thatThat way you can mmetmeet dead lines on assingments next thingsassignments. Next thing, ask questions, and i dontI don’t mean like can you explain cellular reproduction, iI mean like go to your advisor lask quetionto ask a question that can get you ahead in your career. bondBond with your professor and mentors in a professional way and look at them as friends rather than someone who is making your life hard. lol keepLOL! Keep your eyes on the prize. theThe last time iI went to school it wasthere were so many distractions like iI really thought tht i needthat I needed to change what iI had going on in order to suceed butsucceed. But if iI would styedhave stayed focused on my original goal i woulI would be garduatinggraduating this spring. lastLast, but not least, makingmake school a priority. and to ellaborate iTo elaborate, I mean when things come up you have to know how to make sacraficessacrifices for school. Things as simple as going to bed non time or re readingre-reading a chapter bcbecause you didntdidn’t quite understand it the first time.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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