The purpose of this research is to determine the retention approaches for minority male teachers in the K-12 education system by exploring their experiences in the system and reasons why they are underrepresented. Building on the study conducted by Peatross (2011), this study focuses on the experiences of African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans, which provides a broader perspective on the treatment of minority male teachers in the K-12 education system. In this regard, an interview was conducted to explore the experiences and perceptions of the African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian American male teachers in the K-12 education system. Based on the responses of the participants, a thematic analysis was carried out to determine the common themes. The thematic analysis was conducted based on six steps. A coding process was conducted to determine the common themes, which informed the conclusion of the study. This chapter provides a summary of the results, descriptive data explaining the summary of the results, the thematic analysis using a coding process, and an evaluation of the results based on the research question

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