The extended Ontario lockdown will impact and has negatively impacted the children negatively who participate in activities, and are part of sport teams…

This global pandemic made the Ontario government instate multiple provincial lockdown and rules and public health measures to make sure the population
staystays safe and to end the spread of Covid-19. This global pandemic has affected multiple lives, especially inthose of children of all ages who are deprived from doing, regardless of their sport and activities. By not being ableages, who are unable to practice their activities the kidssports. Because of this, kids' and teenagersteenagers' mental health, their motivation and love for their activity/sport and physical impact will all be affected negatively.

ChildrenThe mental health of children who take part in sportsports or physical activities, mental health has drastically changed over this past year, majorityparticularly in this most recent 2 month-long2-month-long lockdown. Since, theThe Ontario government has extended the lockdown, which means that sportsports and activities are pushedbeing further postponed and will reopen in the mid summer of 2021mid-summer this year. Consequently, children's mental health is going downhilldeteriorating. In my opinion, the Ontario government should reopen the sports clubs, teams, and activities for children in order to keep kids' mental health sane and in good conditionscheck. Children use their sport as an escape or to cope with mental health problems like stress, depression, and many more disorders. Since the sports, clubs, and activities are closed, children are suffering more than ever with their mental health. Because, because they don’t have their sport or activity helping them to cope with their mental issues. Children firstFirst Canada and some other organisations are enforcing thedemanding that the Ontario government to reopen schoolschools, sports, and many others activities to restore kid’skids’ mental health by coming up with thelaunching the #codepink campaign #codepink. “Among children aged between 6 toand 18, 70% report that the pandemic has harmed their mental health in at least one area, such as anxiety or attention span.” (Canada’s Children’s Hospital Foundations)”.Foundations)

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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