How was the idea for youyour silent book was born? (200 characters)
Idea ofidea for my book was born when I was involved in a „6-page book“6-page book project. I didn’t use it then, but on the long evenings ofduring the winter, I remembered my story about the bird again. I started drawing the book, as if playing, but then become involvedrealised that I had to spend more than one sleepless hour thinking about how to create my story...

What’s the story about? (300/400 characters)
This is a story about a little grey bird named Grain.
AboutIt's about individuality, bright loneliness, the power of fantasy, dedication and friendship. And about the fact that even after the darkest night, the lighta new morning dawneddawns...

Why have you decided to enter the contest? (200 characters)
I am very interested in the picture books genre
,. I always visit bookstores when travelling and I am lookinglook for picture books -, stories that anyone can read. And I interpret itthem in my own personal waysway, giving the story extra meaning. Participating in the Silent bookBook contest was an old dream of mine.

Short biography
I am a book designer from Vilnius. I studied Graphic Art at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. Immediately after
graduationgraduating, I started working inat a printing house and then became very interested in the art of the book art. I’ve designed a lot of books since then. For the last 10 years, I have been working mainly withon poetry books. I have also illustrated several books for children. „Grains Feather“"Grain's Feather" is my first author's bookbook as an author.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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