I saw a movie once about a man who mentorshipmentored another one, and then the other one came back as a billionaire and he was thanking the mentorshipmentor for leading him to fly like an eagle. So, again and again, I am begging you. Join Usus, come and sign up for the mentorship programme. Contact me. Sign up and you will not be sorry because you we will give you so many things that you will be happy. Something like this is a an expectation to be included in your performance assessment. It will count for 75%. So you are not going to do it just for nothing. Don't waste time, contact us and let's do this. The programme will not take too much of your time. Thanking you in advance. I will wait patiently for your respondsresponse. Yours faithfulfaithfully.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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