friges guests rooms friges servicesFridges, guest room fridges service and repairs, regasre-gas and repair
of all frigesfridges.
All kitchen equipment servicesservice and repairrepairs and all gas equipment
servicesequipment service and repairs replace.
Replaced thermocouples, cleancleaned the jets, replaced
elements and contactors on deep fryers, hot plates, classglass washers, toggle
switches, water pumps, fat trap, micro waves, servicesservice of henny peny
conversation ovensHenny Penny Combi Ovens and the spek bins.
I did the hotel's electrical as well: three phasethree-phase and single phase installsingle-phase, installed and repair ofrepaired all fluorescent lighting
and, changed ballasts, install LED
lightinstalled LED lights and remote LEDS. installInstalled plugs, transformers, circuit breakers, new
electrical installations front office and back of houseshouse and laundry
, garden lights and timers and installinstalled dedicated circuits. and workWorked on all
electrical DB boards, replaced dimersdimmers in guest rooms fix orefixed or replaced
all card. Readersreaders.
Repairs of plumbing, opening drains, installinstalling new bathtubs and basins
, repairs of toilets. flashingFlashing systems painting and carpentry - the pepper club hotel have + -Pepper Club Hotel has 250 bedrooms
two penthouses and three pools. I did stock taking, ordering and workworked with contractor's contractor.
I did everything.
conversation ovens