This paper will address the question: What is the tension between ISIS Islam and the Islam of QutbQutb? .I will compare the concept of the "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" (ISIS), as evidenced by the article "whatWhat ISIS really wants" by Graeme Wood, to the text "America that I have seen" by Sayyid Qutb, a thinker in the field of Islamic ideology, and the most prominent Islamic activistsactivist in Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood. I will argue for tension in three different dimensionstopics: (1) Perception of the value of life; (2) Improper use of modern technology;, (3) The place of the "future" in the sense of construction and progress. The paper concludes that Qutb might have argued that, while the Islamic State strives for the establishment of proper Islamic values, yet the ways of fulfillmentin which it is applying them are wrong and create animal emotional alienation among ISIS members.
ISIS is a Radical-Sunni organization that has
split from al-Qaeda following numerous disagreements that this paper will not elaborate on.
The Islamic State (ISIS) is a Radical-Sunni organization that has split from al-Qaeda following numerous disagreements that the paper will not elaborate on. In the year of the split (2014), ISIS announced the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in the territories under its control and shortened its name to "Islamic State,", a change that indicates aspirations that are no longer geographically limited. The Islamic State has a media center established in early 2014 called "Al-Hayat", which is responsible for the organization's publications, propaganda videos, and press such as the Dabiq magazine. In addition to this background, it should be noted that Qutb's text (1951) is not a manifesto, and therefore it does not present a subset of do's and don'ts. His text presents values attributed to Islam by

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