Staycation is the new trend of today. Staying at home and vacationing on the balcony. This new trend seems very surprising for many, considering that travel has long been a great value in our society.
As St. Augustine says, travel is necessary for our lives to increase our horizons. The world is a big place and when you are at home
, you see only a small part of the world and not everything. Travel is an adventure and for many, also a balance to their life. In addition, travel was, for many asa social status, thatsomething you can afford what.
asome time, the normal trips came on the market and got cheaper. So even average families could go on an adventure and experience what ofsomething from the big world. This turn of events was a surprise for the rich people. Now, not only a few families could afford to travel, but more and more people could. The result of this was that the people who could not afford it, although they could travel cheap, stayed at home and went on vacation. These people who spent their vacation at home were seen as boring or as a social underclass and pitied. This turnshift from "few families could afford a vacation" to "few families can't afford a vacation" was big.
But now
, the new trend is very different from what most expected. What used to be seen as not normal or more of a negative thing is now a trend. So fast the view of society can change. My opinion is that it is wonderful to see the world but also in our environment, where you live, there are so many places you have never seen. Getting out and seeing something new is the one important reason to travel but also an important point is to see what it is for the environment and to what scale.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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