Who benefits from failure ? Sure, that strong person who knows how hard life is at thisthe time, the. The loser is the one who thinks that life is easy and hishis/her future doesn't need tirednesshard work. But I've always been a symbol of despair, and the reason foris that , failure that haunts me whenever I want to achieve mythe dreams that fillsfill my head, and. And because I was hiding my sadness with a smile, they thought I was proud that I was an Unsuccessful , but to be unsuccessful. But if failure touchtouches your body, Youyou might getgo crazy or you die, and if you're lucky and you stay alive, you may live in agony and pain that's hard to deal with. it ,I don't want my story withof failure I don't want it to be a cause of despair ofin this life or to make you fly away from your dreams, but I do want it to be a motive for every person who works hard to get something great from this life, and I want through. Through the happy ending, I want to show that, although thethere is harshness ofin this life, hopeshope appears in the end and revive in yourevives the determination in you to go forward.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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