I have a horror story of gargantuan proportions to relate to you, so that you know how incompetent the amateurish bozos are that work for you! You should fire the whole Colorado Springs Airport branch. I’m tired of lousy service and of being charged an arm and a leg for extras that end up not functioning properly. Calling your company is useless, because no one answers the phone or returns calls!
In view of the fact that my colleague and I were forced to wait for an hour for a car at Colorado Springs Airport on August 15, your local branch people gave us a free navigation device. That would have been really nice in the event that the thing had actually worked, which it didn’t. We advised the counter person that the GPS was broken, but it took another half hour to receive a new one and to finally start our business trip.
Imagine our surprise when the “free” GPS showed up on our bill apparently costing a whopping $180, plus tax! What came next would qualify as some dark Kafkaesque nightmare. I spent hours over the next three weeks talking to various employees
offrom your questionable organization, who swore that only “the manager”“The Manager” could help me, but. But this mysterious person was never available to talk. At this point in time, I called your Denver Airport location again and refused to get off the phone until I spoke to “the manager“The Manager,” and, lo and behold, he promised to credit the cost of the GPS to my account.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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