DiscussionsThe discussions regarding an illegal drug known as methylene-dioxymethyl amphetamine, (MDMA), have dominated the air waves in recent year’s known as methylene-dioxymethylyears. amphetamine.It was originally developed by Merck pharmaceutical company in 1912, and it was utilized in animal studies, as well as supported by the U.S. Army in order to investigate novel approaches to “brainwashingbrainwashing, espionage and mind-control, and it then reemerged in the 1960s1960's as a psychotherapeutic medication to “lowerthat lowers inhibitions. It wasn’t until the 1980s1980's that MDMA began to be used for non-medical purposepurposes, (as a recreational drug), in the U.S. under its street name Ecstasy, (Rosenbaum, 2002).
Typically, Ecstasy is made up of a mixture of methylene-dioxymethyl amphetamine
, (MDMA), amphetamines, PCP, ketamine or methamphetamines, plus binder ingredients such as chalk and glucose. It is usually consumed in a pill, (tablet or capsule), form, andhowever, the drug can also be ingested orally or taken in other ways. The most common street names associated with the Ecstasy are-bombsare: bombs, Streetstreet terms ndms, Clarity, Cristal, Decadence, Disco biscuit, Love Drug, Love pill, Lover’s speed, Roll, Scooby snacks, Snowball and California Sunrise., (Shannon 2014).

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