The olympicsOlympics
olympic gamesOlympic Games is a sport event were much athletsmany athletes compete for a gold medal. This event is on evrytakes place every four year and it show, showing off the world's best athlets on the worldathletes.
the coronavirus is a new dangerdangerous novel virus witch spred with caughingwhich spreads by coughing and sneezeingsneezing. This can be a big problem forduring the games, beacuseconsidering that the virus have a oportunity to spred quickcan spread quickly and into many countryscountries.
On the other hand,
japanJapan is a verryvery safe country and it has only a littlenot had very many confirmed cases of the virus. So itIt could, therefore, be a godgood decision to have the games theirthere.
In my
oppinionopinion, they should postpone the Olympic gamesGames to 2021, if they want to save a lot of lifeslives.

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