Natural resources are not evenly distributed throughout the world, because inas shown on the website in the article on natural resources statewhich states, “Some places are more endowed than others - for instance, some regions have lots of water (and access to ocean seas). Others have lots of minerals and forestland. Others have metallic rocks, wildlife, fossil fuels and so on.” This evidence explains how some regions don’t have lots of water, for example, Uganda, which is located in Africa it, has very little and non-potablepotable water. Other continents, such as North America, has ahave very large water sourcesources and lots of potable water. Another piece of evidence I found on is in the article Location, Distribution & Uses of Natural Resources worldwide stateWorldwide which states, “Fresh water is becoming more and more valuable. The Amazon Basin, especially Brazil and Colombia, are home to the largest amounts of fresh water, followed by North America. On the other side of the world, Russia and China both have large reserves as well.” What I can infer from this quote is that fresh water is very rare, and in addition some continents and countries have more fresh water than others. In conclusion, the evidence that I have stated proves that natural resources are not evenly distributed throughout the world.

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