The subject above captioned

We are writing this to inform you that the Site Meeting No. 05
, which was supposed to be held on 05th5 July 2019 as per Meeting Schedules, has been postponed due to the fact that Site Meeting No. 4, which was conducted on 14thJune,201914 June 2019, was postponed to 20th20 June 2019 due to the absence of contractor’s key personnel at the site, which is only two weeks to date, meaning that the work progress has no much difference.

Therefore, Site Meeting No. 05 will be conducted on
12th12 July 2019, at 03:00 pm aton site, the. The next Site Meetings will follow the proposed Meeting Schedule.

Mattersmatters regarding project progress will be the in Main Agenda.

We remain for quality services.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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