An experienced Seismic Navigator with over 10 years of experience in the oil and gas exploration industry. Team player, passionate about working with international crews in global oil &and energy environment, with the focus on safety, technical proficiency, and solid results.

7 ADDED VALUES for the client:
1. High flexibility working on multiple survey
typetypes. Has been working on Ocean Bottom Node (OBN), Ocean Bottom Cable (OBC), Shallow Water and Transition Zone seismic survey.
2. Multiple roles, including navigator operator (cable deployment, node deployment, acoustic positioning, source positioning, and source steering), shift-leader navigator (processing, troubleshooting, managing operators, mobilization and demobilization).
3. High proficiency in multiple INS, including Concept System Gator II (installation, configuration, and operation), Fugro Winfrog & Fugro Starfix.NG.
4. High proficiency in navigation data processing software, including FGPS Seispos (installation, configuration, processing and quality control), Concept System Post-Processing Node (installation, configuration, processing and quality control).
5. High adaptability with multiple seismic sensors, including OYO Geospace Node, Case Abyss Node, Trilobite Node, Manta Node, Sercel Searay Cable, Sercel 388, 408 and 428 XL Cable.
6. Available working remote internationally. Has been working and travelling in the United Kingdom, Norway, Brazil, Trinidad & Tobago, United States, France, Australia, Nigeria, Angola, Ghana, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, and Indonesia.
7. Documents and Certifications are READY: Passport, Seafarer Book, FOET, OGUK Medical Check & Vaccinations.

Please find the latest downloadable resume in this profile or drop an email to to check
the availability date for your companycompany's upcoming project.

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