Hello Yandy, my name is Quinasia and I’m looking for some professional advice and. I know you have been in the industry for years, so I was wondering if you cancould help me. My girls made a rap and, I posted it on YouTube, and we have been getting great feedback, so. I want to know isif I should I be making contracts for them to perform? The schools they're in asked that they perform, and then a parent asked if they cancould perform for her daughtersdaughter's party so. I’m excited and they’re excitedelated, but I want to make the best decision for them and make sure theythat they give a great show. butHowever, as I’m new to this, I have no education when it comes to this heresituation, so can you plz help, give me anyhelp? Any tips ityou can give me would be greatly appreciated.

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