Where does shyness come from?
There are several theories concerning the genesis of shyness. Genetic causes are most often mentioned, and are also indicated by research results: out of the group of shy fathers with offspring, ¾ of their children are also shy, while over 60% of shy offspring are identified among shy mothers. The second source of shyness may be the environment. The influence of various situations
, such as: family background, and educational, social or cultural issues - shape every human being in the course of development, not only in the right direction. Lack of satisfying emotional needs, educational mistakes, and traumatic events - can all these can be the causes of withdrawal from contacts, fear of interactions and feeling discomfort in public situations.
, timidity does not disappear over the years duringwhile growing up. Then it grows in strenght,strength and anchors, becoming a part of the personality,.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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