hiHi sir,
i mohammed imranam Mohammed Imran. I was born inon 05/04/1985 swabi pakistan in Swabi, Pakistan. when i come to first time for carta soggiornoI came Carta Soggiorno in hotelhouse porto recanati .so thatthe Hotel House Porto Recanti for the first time. i meet one personThe first time I met someone from pakistan Pakistan, his name is SHAH MEERwas Shah Meer, but people callcalled him MANLANG SHAH he tellManlang Shah. He told me i haveI had one african his name is IBRAHIMAfrican named Ibrahim from sengal africa when i meetSenegal. When I met him, he telltold me i haveI had good commersilita, but that he wantwanted 2700 euro for make everythingsmaking everything for your carta soggoarno so than tellCarta Soggoarno. So I told him okokay, and he makemade for me when i go to immegrtionthe immigration office in machrata soMachrata. So one immegrtionimmigration officer told me your cud no showing resuletcould not show your results, and dontyou don't pay tax so that whytaxes, which is why they rejected your documents .
soSo sir, I kindly sir i request that i contdidn't understand , so pleas forgive me. iI accept my mistakmistake is the opposite of italainItalian law, so pleasplease, sir .
and theThe last these two persons i show youpeople I showed this iwere both afraid from both, so pleasplease give me reelphelp and make my life , sir, help me. thankThank you, sir.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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