If a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy, it can cause her baby to have birth problems, such as hearing problems, distinctive facial features, hearing problems, or heart problems ( ). This is a hidden problem in our society that we should focus on. The babies who have birth defects sometimes need special treatment. These treatments cost a lot of money. Sometimes we don’t understand how difficult it is for the babies. They have to carry all those defects in them for one, or two years, or maybe in some cases the rest of their lifelives. Every year, 2000 to 12000 babies are born with birth defects caused by alcohol in the United States (Gupta 18). Some people might say that drinking a little alcohol is fine during pregnancy, but according to research there is no amount of alcohol that's known to be safe to consume during pregnancy. As the saying goes, “If you drink during pregnancy, you place your baby at risk of birth defect”(Mayodefects” (Mayo clinic staff 2). So, there is only one solution to this problem, that women who are or thinking to get pregnant should not have any kind of alcohol.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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