The laboratory has a very good academic atmosphere and tradition in the training of young people. AcademiciansAcademics, senior Cheung Kong scholars and outstanding youth fund winners through various forms of seminars, seminars, and young researchers to create conditions that enable them to As soongrow as quickly as possible to grow. Such as laboratory membersmembers as Fan Fenjun and the Center of Mathematics Professor Liu Xiaobo jointly organized the symplectic geometry and mathematical physics seminar to promote the development of this emerging field, formed a strong new research direction, and for the Beijing University and even the domestic mathematics industry personnel training. The
The laboratory also attaches great importance to
the post-doctoral training, the laboratory throughthrough a variety of channels to raise funds for post-doctoral places, fromfor the training of young peoplepeople's innovative talents. Between 2012 - 2017, with the laboratory training of postdoctoralpost-doctoral training, out of more than 40 people, many of them have becomejoined domestic and foreign universities, research institutes of scientific research and teaching backbonebackbones.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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