What did Eva wroite, in her first Facebook message to Noora?
Who play
sed Penetrator - Chris?
Chris t
elolsd her friends, that she was lkicked this summer. Where did this happen?
What brand is William's car?
27 January 27, 2017, a list was publitshed, which shofwed the two most popular baby names in Norway, in 2016. was published, wWhat two names were on the listwo names?
Early in the third season
, Isakac doesid a "gay test" online. One of the questions iwas wherever- Wheo would hesired want to travel with, if he could travel back in time.? What How did he respond?
What color
s are William and Chris's overalls?
Noora t
eollsd Eva, that she had learnedt a master suppression techniques, from an American TV series. Which one?
Which locker number belongs to Isa
What is William dressed as
, in the masquerade?
What's the name of the school?
What have Noora
, and William's dead sister have in common?

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