Role of Business
idegoal of starting or having a business in today’s world is to generate revenue. Many would agree that, even the not-for-nprofits organizations, need revenue to run. Some philosophers agree with the idea but additionally sayingdicate that, profit generation is not the only sole purpose of the business. Business can as well play other social roles in their communityies or globally as well. Besides pocketing money, businesses can sponsor community events, participate in local community development agendas, and even promote peace and harmony. Eventually, an argument arises regatrding some of the community einitiativents, wthereat businesses take advantage byof their to advertisinge their brands. By wWearing a company’s branded t-shirts, driving branded cars, and even betaking parth in an ervent itself, appeals and sends a message to the community wthichat is an indirect form of advertising. Considering that mosomet of these business haves employed marketers to help in promotinge the business, it is hard to rule out profit -centered motives in acts of corporate socuial responsibility.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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