Editor. - One word with hundreds of meanings and even more questions. What is it? How does one edit? What EXACTLY do they do? Can we even answer these questions? That one word, editor, means something different to each of us because we are all our own editors. Each of us edit something every single day. Whether it is an e-mail to a colleague, a letter to a friend, or a text to family, each of us is an editor in our own right. What matters about editing though, is how we use that power of editing to our advantage.
. - Most people think it’s about making sure all ‘I’s’ are dotted and ‘T’s’ are crossed, commas are put in the right place, and words are spelled correctly. Is that all that it is? Or does an editor help evolve the writing and make it appeal to someone? The editor helps to move the story along, make it flow, and make it attractive to readers. An editor has to be a negotiator, a teacher, a proofreader, a coach, a storyteller, and a writer. They must be able to explain themselves when they make corrections and cheer the writer on when they don’t know how to fix something to make the story flow. They also must be able to write and see through a writer’s eyes to be able to pull the audience in. An editor has to be able to be all of these things for their writer to give them the best possible work and be the best editor for their audience.
. - Each of us edits. We take a work and brighten it, fix it, make it something else. It could be as easy as changing a comma into a period or removing a line and inserting a word. Some of us are our own editors, diligently looking over something before we send it out to the world. I have a blog, so I guess I’m called a “blogger”. Many bloggers in the blogosphere are sponsored and have a team that not only give them material but also ghostwrite and edit for them. Am I one of those big successful bloggers you ask? Well no, unfortunately not. I have to do my own stunts. I dream about what

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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